The Beyond Tomorrow Scholars Program & Award

The new Beyond Tomorrow Scholars Award helps remove financial barriers for Black Canadian students who may not otherwise be able to attend UBC.

Students don’t become the leaders the world needs on their own. They need the support of family, friends, and a wider community of donors who recognize their potential and commit to helping them find pathways to success.

The Beyond Tomorrow Scholars Program provides access to a range of opportunities for Black students at UBC, from awards to mentorship, internships, leadership conferences, and networking opportunities while on campus.

When you donate to the Beyond Tomorrow Scholars Award, you are sending a powerful message to young Black students about their future and the promise it holds. You are taking action to create an opportunity for students who have the academic and leadership qualifications, but may not have the financial means to attend UBC. You’re also giving promising Black students access to a life-changing education, empowering them to better our communities and world.

You can help students achieve their goals by supporting key initiatives within the program’s five pillars of success: academic and career, leadership, community and belonging, financial, and health and wellbeing. Your gift will support a comprehensive program that will create a pathway to success for a new generation of leaders that better reflect Canada’s rich diversity.

Give now to provide financial support through the Beyond Tomorrow Scholars Award. Your involvement today can create a lifetime of change.

If you are interested in learning how your gift could make a larger impact on the program itself, please contact Kari Streelasky, Senior Director of Development, Special Projects at to discuss the many opportunities.